Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What's a Fluvarium?

Fluvarium. Sounds like one of those made up words like Phytotron doesn't it? Making up new words for tourist attractions must work because we went last week.
A fluvarium is the name they gave an interpretion centre attached to the Rennies River reclaimation project. Rennies River runs right round St John's. (Well through it actually but that is not as alliterative) Apparently it was dead and toxic in the 70's because, well, because it runs right through a city. They cleaned it up and have restored the natural ecosystem and now they do waterway management education. I am not all that facinated by fish or aquaria normally, but the displays were well presented and the basement of the fluvarium has glass windows that look out into the actual stream giving you a fish eye view of the habitat.
They feed the fish everyday at 4pm, we didn't stay for that, but I'm thinking it would be hilarious to have an accomplice on the bank outside with a worm on a hook and line about the time an interpreter is doing their tour. Just to ramp up the suspense a little. Think of the photo op.
We also visited the Johnson Geo Centre last week. It is about rocks on the Rock. It was intersting for about 6 minutes and then it was just about rocks. Compared to fish, rocks don't do much. The Geo Centre is very modern and has swanky expensive displays and interpretations, but it lacked the creative use of materials the Fluvarium displays employed. It was like the difference between watching a mega musical and a good fringe show. I'll take the fringe everytime.

A fishing shack is used to explain the lifecycle of a salmon at the Fluvarium.

This Urban dispay highlights environmental pressures on waterways in cities.

1 comment:

lori said...

Wow, that's some scary-looking rainbow graffiti. How authentic. Such street cred. Those St John's whippersnappers must be really...tough.

I think your fishing-during-the-fish-feeding-time idea is brilliant. I expect to see a post on this, with photos, next week.