Dear Santa, for Christmas I want a telephoto lens.
Yesterday studyboy and I tool advantage of a break in the drizzle ( but not in the fog) to go iceberg hunting. We didn't have to go far, just a quick ride up to Signal Hill and we could see 4.
The local evening news tells us that this is the biggest iceberg year in memory, mostly because the weather has been so cold that the bergs which would have normally melted long before they reached us here in the south, haven't melted and are still floating around. The evening news also gives us the iceberg report along with the weather. It is an update on where to go to see them and includes a map from the International Ice Patrol.
Here are a few of the pictures I took yesterday. This is looking down into Quidi Vidi Gut. It looks small, but the trees in the foreground are 30 ft high.
This is just outside the narrows, with Fort Amherst in the foreground.
This is a long shot, with Cape Spear in the background.
Wow, it looks beautiful. Nice photos.
None of these bergs were floating BTW. They were all grounded, they didn't bob or move at all when the waves washed over them. I'm not sure how deep the waters around the coast are, but it must be true what they say about the tip of the iceberg...
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