There comes a time every fall when gardeners just want to say "Enough already!" and stop the tedious chores associated with putting the nursery to bed for winter.
That time came about a month ago for me, when work consisted weeding, counting, grading and moving 100's of plants into cold frames. Last week it was down to washing pots, so there were no regrets when I got my lay off notice.
And for my efforts mother nature decided a reprieve from cold weather was in order and this week it is back to September like temperatures (for now). We still have pansies, snaps and a rose blooming in the garden. This bird was the only one the dog didn't try to eat.
I'm using the warm weather as an opportunity to walk to the studio for exercise so I can continue to wear my skinny jeans. It's not just a life of leisure for me yet though, the Newfoundland and Labrador Craft Council has a Christmas Craft Fair each November and so my studio treks have as much to do with volunteering for that event as it does about getting muddy. If you are in NL check out the Fair webpage to see what it is all about.
The benefit of the craft fair in November to all of us non-producing amateur potters is that the kilns are running back to back everyday for all the exhibitors to get their wares ready for the fair. This means our stuff is pushed through faster than usual and the long wait to see the final result is much shorter. Instant gratification pottery.
The Studyboy is still slogging away at the exams. He begins writing the second one on Monday. There are now permanent bags under his eyes, so much so that I'm considering changing his name to Bagboy. If the last exam was anything to go by, he will be completely wiped out by the following week. I'm doing my best to keep the fridge full of food and the tea hot.
1 comment:
I'm not sure I'll be able to call him Bagboy and still look him in the eye.
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