Friday, June 5, 2009

Harder Than It Looks

There are too few hours in the day to do all that needs doing it seems, but last evening I was feeling like I should put in an effort to stack some of that firewood we had delivered, oh only 3 months ago. Nothing like getting a chore done early I always say.
Peter had made an admirable start, and one half cord was already neatly stacked. How hard could this be I thought? The theory is simple; stack bits of wood three across and three lengthwise on the ends to make a tower that holds up the bits in the middle. My stack got up to about four feet high, and then one end collapsed. While I was rebuilding that end (and attempting to keep the middle from collapsing any more) the other end collapsed. After 45 minutes of work this is what I had to show for it. Note the nice straight upright Peter stack behind.
I gave up and went to bed feeling pretty much like a Townie out of her element. I mean let's face it, when I was growing up if you wanted the house to be warmer you just turned up the thermostat. On Mondays at school, I would hear stories from other kids about how they had to stack wood all weekend. Now I understand.


JCG said...

Spent my childhood stacking wood. It's the most complicated jigsaw puzzle known to man, except when you get it wrong, it topples over :) Just make sure not its on top of you.

Yana Out East said...

Hey Mr Expert. Do you wanna come over to my house and stack some wood? Or, like, all of it?