Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Truth About Cats and Dogs

Day 6 of unemployment. Well sort of. The Community College did not go on strike so I still have classes to prep for and teach. Which means that today seems to be the first free time day in nearly a week where I get to do what I want.
As always I have a list of things to do that include cleaning up and organizing the studio and the greenhouse after months of ignoring those chores. There are still garden remains to deal with too. I'm not even going to think about the disaster zone in the garage.
Willow is settling in nicely, she is still a little reserved and we are trying hard to make her more out going and silly. Unlike Jake, she is very difficult to wind up, almost impossible in the house. Which I know is a good thing but we like our dog to be the zany entertainment and so far she continues to be a calm well mannered young lady. WTF?
We were warned that she didn't get along with the other dog at her other home, but she has met three friend's dogs so far and acted very well. We did a Sunday walk with friends and their dog, and we all got along fine until the end. They got into a scuffle but it was probably more traumatizing for the people than it was for the dogs who seemed fine moments later. We were also warned she can sometimes be incontinent as a result of her being spayed. She did have an accident yesterday and seemed mortified when she realized, so we are researching ways to help this.
Atticus has the tendency to eat too quickly and then barf up his food. So we have a barfing cat and a peeing dog. (Atticus, however, never appears embarrassed by his accidents, and the problem is mostly solved by putting a ping pong ball in his food to stop him gobbling it so fast.)
Perversely I like Willow more for this flaw than when I though she was a perfect well behaved dog. Let's face it, a well behaved Golden Retriever is just too suburban middle class for me. It also appears I am allergic to her, so this of course adds to her appeal.


Lori said...

You're kind of weird. But that's what adds to YOUR appeal.

Lester's Mama said...

The first thing Elsie told me when she said you were getting a dog was that she didn't want it to pee on her floors.........

Yana Out East said...

I know. It's like Elsie has a sixth sense.
I like being called weird. It is one of the reasons I died my hair purple last week.