Firing the kiln today for the first time since May. How many potters need to move two motorcycles and a golf cart to fire their kiln I wonder?
We are moving forward, though, with getting larger kilns operational. Yesterday the electrician was here to prepare for getting a new 200 amp service to the house. Currently (no pun intended) we have a 100 amp service with 60 amps going to the garage/barn/workshop/kiln room. Good enough to fire the small test kiln but not quite enough for the other two.
I went to the designer craft show in Halifax yesterday while the other one stayed at home with the electrician. Lots of potters there, ...and glass makers, jewelry artists, knitters, felters, silk makers and wood workers. One potter I spoke to did wood firing. Her 30 hour marathon of stoking a wood kiln makes my 12 hour -check it occasionally- electric one seem so easy. We have loads of room in the back yard to build a brick kiln and give it a try, but I think I will stick with the electric for a while yet.
Last weekend we began working on the shower again, because both the Other Ones parents are visiting for Christmas. We had to put drywall on the outside wall of the door to be able to bring the tile around the door opening, and that required us also drywalling the ceiling. That required that we strap the ceiling to hang the drywall on. That required that we take the temporary shower curtain down. There always seems to be three steps back to one step forward. We should be working on the tiling again today, but I have a test to make for my class tomorrow.
It is harder and takes longer to make a test than it does to take one. Given the choice I think I would rather have to clean up the mess of tiling than make a test about irrigation and lighting in a greenhouse. I'm sure that would be my students choice too, but these things must be done.
I'm still waiting for an explanation on why you own a golf cart.
Sorry, that was me. Hit ENTER too quickly.
OK. The reason is that my parents are getting old and trying to divest some of their stuff onto their children. Everytime I visit I come back with stuff. Usually I'm good at refusing the more ludicrous stuff, but my father bypassed me last time and asked Peter if he would like a trailer. Peter was excited by the thought of being able to buy 12 foot lumber (which presently our small truck can't handle)and said yes. My father then pounced on my unsuspecting, innocent spouse and said that the trailer was bought for the golf cart, and would we take that too? Dad had already asked me to take it when we were home in the summer by suggesting I needed it to drive around my large property (of less than an acre). I guess the short version is, Peter is a soft touch and that is why we have a golf cart. We have had several nibbles on our KIJIJI ad, we are hoping it will be gone before too much longer.
Ooh, your Dad's a tricky one.
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