No, I'm not dead. Just busy, busy, busy.
Almost there. My first craft show outing as part of the KFROGS Day for Global Change is this Sunday June 13th from 9-6 at the Look Off. I threw mugs specific to this fundraising event. They were bisque fired today while I went to work; thanks to my personal kiln technician AKA The Sweetie. They will be glazed tomorrow and fired Friday (we hope.)
I don't have as much stuff as I would like to take. Much of what I hoped would be great from the last glaze kiln turned out crappy instead. The main two ideas for this show, the plant stakes and the mugs seem OK.
The weather forecast waffles between Sun and Rain for Sunday. I'm not made of sugar (or that other substance that starts with an Ess) and rain won't hurt my pots, but I did buy a beach umbrella today which I figure will be useful for both possibilities.
Meanwhile, the garden is growing without me, but all the seedlings in my greenhouse which should have been planted weeks ago, are being eaten by squirrels. I have no basil or tomatoes left. They even ate the marigolds and cannas if you can believe it. The fruit trees are doing well, except the peach that always gets peach leaf curl, but I managed to spray it with seaweed extract between rain storms this week so we will see how that works. We have a plan to plant grape vines and kiwis this year, but that will wait for a few weeks yet, because after this craft fair is over I'm going to get my motorcycle out of storage and go for a ride.
Any photos of the mugs or markers?
Yes, photos please!
Now that's a good idea.....
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