Happy Victoria Day weekend. Three weeks have flown by. Most of the days this month were rainy. It got everyone down and the morning radio hosts were complaining that mushrooms were growing in their hair. Work was frustrating as we completed as much inside work as we could and then after two weeks we finally had to brave the wet and do some outside things anyway.
Peter has been very busy doing everything but the PhD research this month. He had an interesting day of sewer maintenance on May 3.He constructed a wood shed. It looks remarkable like a green house I know, but plastic is cheaper than almost anything else and the solar gain will dry out the wood.All three motorcycles run. This is ironic because usually we are so busy in spring that the motorcycles get pushed back and we aren't riding them until June or July. This year they are ready to go, as soon as the sun comes out. If it ever comes out.
We were unsuccessful in selling the older bikes last fall, but we relisted them on the KIJIJI site and he sold Binky last Friday. Bye Bye Binky, I will miss you. Still looking for a buyer for the Virago though.
He also sold a friend's lawn mower for her this weekend.
The weather finally cleared a little last week and we set up the pool Thursday night after our first day of sun in two weeks. Because there has been so much rain and because we no longer use the well as our main source of water, we just turned the pump on and started filling the pool on Thursday evening. We figured there is as much water in the well as there ever would be so we didn't need to worry about running it dry. Saturday Peter shocked it with chlorine and the water went orange. We weren't sure if it was brown algae or rust. After some internet research it is apparently rust. Since we have only been using the well for making tea and for the greenhouse water (and not much there because of the rain) and maybe because there is so much ground water right now that leaching is occuring, there is a lot of iron built up and when he added the chlorine shock it reacted to the iron. My research says the most effective thing is to filter it with cotton socks and batting. So we did that today and it is amazing how well it works. The water is only red tea colour now.
He also set up the solar heater and made some modifications. The temperature of the heater water Sunday afternoon when the sun finally came out was 35 degrees C while the air temperature was only 15. Wow.
Saturday I went to a fundraiser Plant Sale with my neighbour and laid out a space to make a new garden bed for all the sun plants I am unable to resist. The veg garden is growing well, and now that we squirrel proofed the greenhouse the seedlings are coming along OK too.
My bicycling is getting better. Sunday I biked to Kingsport and back from here. Kingsport is 2 kms and the first bit is all up hill and against the wind. I had to rest at the beach for 10 minutes before I could turn around. When I got home I had to rest on the couch for 20 minutes before I could move. That was only 4 kms but it nearly killed me.
This morning I went the other direction to Canning for bread, and it was mostly downhill on the way so I did an extra loop around the village before I headed back. The ride up hill wasn't as bad as I thought and I was surprised that I didn't need to rest when I got home. I may be able to go out again this afternoon for a second run. I need all the training I can get I think.
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