It was like someone turned on a switch on the 21st of June and TADA we got summer. The last four days have been warm and sunny and I am WEARING A TANK TOP!!!!!
Of course, every silver lining has a cloud and Monday, on the hottest day I have yet to experience in NL, I was sent with crew of 2 young and tender lads to weed a 2 acre field of trees not yet big enough to give shade. Some of the weeds were bigger than the trees. This is not a complaint, I'm just setting up a story.
Normally, at the nursery, the most dreaded chore is bagging up a soil mix for sale in the retail garden centre. We sell a lot of the house brand soil mix, because good soil is scarce here, and I have learned from experience that when you buy a bag of 'soil' here that is usually what you get. A bag of mineral soil, with precious little organic matter and no nutrients whatsoever. While our soil is not good composty stuff, it is better than most. But bagging it for sale is a monotonous chore at best, and there are some who theorize that it is actually a punishment when the boss is a little grumpy. Something akin to a cat-o-nine-tails on a 19th Century warship.
After 7 hours of weeding on Monday however, I announced (with a little trepidation, in case it lead to an all out mutiny) that we would be bagging soil for the rest of the day. I guess everything really is relative because their eyes lit up and they actually cheered.
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