Not so much house reno as house maintenance. After digging up the drive to install the water line, it got very mucky and rutted in the spring thaw. We first tried to use field stones in the ruts to firm it up and hoped that they would act like cobblestones, but that was a disaster. We talked about getting a man with a digger to grade it and fix up the ditch that ran along side. We talked about doing it by (gasp) hand. We even looked into renting a machine and driving it ourselves. We were waffling about the work and the price of all these options. On Saturday though, our neighbours had a digging machine in their yard to look for the septic tank which they suspected needed pumping. They had spent several hours looking for it with shovels and long poles without success and had decided to get in a professional. We took advantage of that event to ask the guy if he would do some things for us. In about an hour with no physical or organizational effort on our part required at all, it was all done.
He dug the ditch.
He graded the drive. He pulled out several tree stumps that still had massively long roots attached.
He levelled a spot for the new wood shed.
Peter was so happy he couldn't stop grinning.
It cost a $100.
Then, we considered that our septic system hadn't been pumped for several years so we decided to find our tank, and unlike the neighbours, we mostly knew where to look because it was new when we bought the house 8 years ago. I took pictured so we would remember where to look next time, because you only do this every few years. We are not sure if it needs to be pumped or not, but we will call and try to piggy back onto our neighbour's house call now that it is all dug up.
I started back to work this week, and except one particularly gruelling day I didn't feel as bad as expected. I did get a sunburn on Thursday because the weather went from cold and rainy to hot and muggy in about 3 minutes and apparently it was sunny for at least some of the time.These are a couple of gratuitous pottery photos from the last glaze kiln. I just unloaded a bisque this week and I've been working on making plaster molds for some new ideas. The plaster is a nightmare though and I've had several mishaps with it setting too quickly or oozing out of the forms and going everywhere.
Love the new pottery, the timely arrival of heavy machinery, and the photo of Peter sweeping his septic tank. Very tidy guy.
I can't get him to sweep the house though.
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