Thursday, October 23, 2008

On Your Mark, Get Set, Write

This is a marathon week for the Studyboy. He is writing the first of his 3 comprehensive exams this week. He started Monday morning and has a week to write a 40 page open book paper explaining everything he knows about methods of research and explain how to apply them to his area of study. He's been in training for this marathon for about six months. He started with daily doses of heavy reading and progressed into short writing spurts to build both stamina and speed.
So far he is weathering the stress well. He just keeps thinking of it in terms of a theatre production week; the bit just before opening night when you exist on coffee, beer and smokes. (Except it's more like chamomile tea, rye whiskey and smokes. Oh how we age...)
I was in training too. As the wifely equivalent of those people that shove cups of water at the runners from the sidelines, my job was to organise fast and easy food service so he can just keep pounding the keyboard 11 hours a day. For three weeks I've been venturing into the frozen food section of the grocery store and stocking up on microwavable lunches. This was an education in itself. I finally got to see what all those TV ads were about. Wow, who knew food-like items came in a box?
As for suppertime: If you can make it in the slow cooker before you go to work I've eaten it recently. Partly because the oven is on the blink and neither of us have time to call the landlord. Is this what it is like to have children?
On Monday he passes in the first paper and has 2 weeks to recover before starting the second marathon paper. By then my job at the nursery will be finished (it snowed again today) and I will be able to cook meals that have a longer prep time than 20 minutes. It's a good thing too because I'm running out of ideas. Tonight I'm making fish cakes for tomorrow.
For Christmas, I want a framed piece of paper that says MRS.Ph.D.A.B.D. In Latin.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

On the One Hand....

Sometimes you just can't win. Take today for example. Last week I toasted my left wrist pulling weeds. That happens sometimes. I get an RSI whenever I pinch and twist or gripe a handle too tightly. It's an old sports injury. So today I was giving it a rest by pulling weeds with my right hand. That's when I grabbed a stinging nettle that managed to find the gap between my gloves and my sleeve.
Left wrist is throbbing. Right wrist is stinging.
It's like the 3 laws of thermodynamics:
Can't win, can break even, can't get out of the game.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Weather Bingo

Today the weather was lovely, except the frost on the car this morning. Yesterday however, we played Weather Bingo at work. During the day we saw:
rain and hail together,
rain and hail and sun together,
hail alone
and snow.
Real snow. Not flurries but ten minutes of big fluffy flakes that blotted out visibility 200 feet away.

I was 'set' three ways. I needed a plague of locusts for the horizontal line, a tornado for the vertical line or a flash flood for the four corners. Alas, 5 o'clock came before any of those events occurred.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Heard on the Street

The weather continues fine here. Dry at least and above zero so that's the NL definition of fine. It means that the windows are still open and thus, this gem was overheard on the street outside the Study Lair today:

"Where ya to?"
"We're off to buy beer, because a house without beer is like a bar without beer."

Sure. I guess. If your house is like a bar. Er....