Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How to Rid Your House of Mice

We've had a few mice in the house since the start of winter, but we finally hit on a solution unique to Atlantic Canada. Mail order monsters. They arrived in the mail yesterday, and now that they are fully comfortable with the dog, they set straight to work and we haven't seen any mice since.

Happy April 1st.


Anonymous said...


I want one

Lester's Mama said...

What the hell are they??

Anonymous said...

I love how the one on the left looks petrified, while the other one is all cocky and sneering.

I wish I had one. Or a whole bunch.

Anonymous said...

For those of you wondering, they may be available at the Wolfville Farmers Market this summer.
The company will be called
Sock Monsters in a Peartree.

The Terrified one is named Pete, the Sneering one is Yana. How appropriate.