Yes, the smell of sawdust is in the air again.
This weekend we thought we better get a start on actually constructing the shower that all those tiles were made for. Due date on the shower is July 2, when Pete's mum arrives. The last time she visited here, she looked askance at the 3 foot high tub surround that the current shower is in and decided to sponge bathe instead. Something about not wanting to break a hip at 81. We promised her a real shower next time, and that was 2 years ago.
First a trip to the hardware stores were in order to buy various bits. But it is a Saturday in May, so we also had to detour to 3 yard sales before we reached the hardware stores. I love valley yard sales and church sales in may. Major plant scores.
We visited three hardware stores, one we visited twice. Then, of course, it was close to lunch so we had some chowder.
Then gathered up some tools. And then some more tools. Then we did some measuring and were about to go cut a board to frame in a glass block window in the shower stall when the neighbours wandered by on a walk, so we had a chat for about an hour. Then we had to remeasure to know how long to cut our board. By about 2pm we were actually doing some work.
All in all, we got more accomplished today than I expected. I fully suspected that after a 2 year absence, we would be very slow off the mark. We actually got the window frame rough opening completed and 2 panels of concrete board cut and tacked up before we decided it was supper time.
I have a rule about work after supper. Nothing that needs cutting or sewing should be attempted after 6pm because you will only screw it up and get frustrated. So after supper I did some gardening instead.
At this pace, we may just make the deadline.