Saturday, October 24, 2009

And About Time

That back door installation that we started the weekend before Thanksgiving is nearly complete. I guess my subtle hints about the cold draughts coming from the huge holes around the temporary plywood cover finally spurred the Other One into action yesterday. We removed the plywood and rebuilt the wall properly where the old door frame had been. So now there is actual structure holding up the roof of the porch (wow, what a concept) and also insulation stopping those draughts.
Renovating an old house sometimes means you have to go with the flow when meshing the old with the new, and we had put down the second layer of sub floor to put the new door on long before we built the wall that replaced the old door. (We have a double layer of sub floor so that the height of the finished floor will match the original floors in the adjoining room.) We left a space to put the sill plate for the new wall on the first layer of sub floor, but the porch isn't exactly square and the space we left was too narrow for the 2 x 4. We ended up cutting a groove in the sill plate to accommodate the edge of the second layer of sub floor at one corner. In years to come, when the next renovators tear that wall out (probably to put a door there) they will wonder what those idiots were thinking when they built this wall.
This is something that I think about a lot. We constantly roll our eyes at the stupid things we find hidden in the walls of our old house. Scary electrical, holes drilled through support beams for plumbing, rotting sills just covered over instead of replaced, the list is endless. But I have no doubt that future owners will do the same with our attempts. I'm thinking about this today because my Dear Sister sent me a link to Yarn Harlot who is having renovation nightmares of her own.
Just a little foil vapour barrier and strapping and the porch will resemble the rest of the house. It's important to have a overall interior design concept that flows. Our only negative to new porch wall is poor Atticus can't figure out what happened to that door that used to be right there. This morning he was pondering the new wall and seemed to want to attack the fibreglass blocking his egress when the Other One demonstrated the new door. I wonder if his cat brain equates the moving doors in this house withthe moving staircases at Hogwarts.

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