Sunday, March 27, 2011

The List - Part Two

Technology is conspiring against me as I attempt to do more of my List with a capital L.
I tried shortening my Frenchy's jeans, and the iron stopped working. This is not a new development, about 15 months ago the iron stopped working but I liked it so much I decided to have it fixed rather than buy one new. After waiting weeks for a diagnosis from the repair shop in the city that is only open M-F, 9 -5 therefore making it very difficult to get to, I was told by the useless repair guy that it worked perfectly and to come pick it up. To be fair, it does work perfectly for the first 7 minutes, and then it shuts off and will not turn back on until it sits there for at least a few hours. As long as you can iron something in 7 minutes there is no problem, and usually I can manage to speed iron anything I need, but not today. Happily, the iron I bought to go to University 24 years ago still works, so I did get the legs of my jeans hemmed. One more item checked off.
I tried making a new work belt to replace the one stolen last year. After cleaning the sewing machine, and locating the proper thread and needle, and changing the tension to work with the heavy duty nylon I began reverse engineering from memory the Caribiner holder only to find that it was a little more complicated than I expected. The sweetie informed me that there is a portfolio of patterns somewhere for all of those things he used to make, but after searching every box in the basement for an hour I gave up. I did find the 1960's warming tray that I could have used for his birthday party last month.
Having lost interest in the work belt, I tried using a CD to write my own Legal Will (because really, this has been on the list for several years now) only to find that the desk top computer will not read a CD any more. The desktop is 8, which in computer years is like 80, and the Sweetie has been wanting a new one for about a year or maybe two. It is slow. It does have memory issues (like most Octogenarians) and let's face it, the CD drive could have been broken for months, or even years because when was the last time I wanted to use a CD anyway? Perhaps the occasional dusting could have helped. I am still holding out on buying a new one because I know there is a property tax bill coming soon to my mailbox, and I spent my income tax refund on new tires for the truck. The simplest thing to do is buy a downloadable version of this and bypass the CD thing completely. But I am too cheap to buy a second version of a thing I already bought but can't use and so I am in limbo. Perhaps the dear Sweetie will let me use his laptop. If I die before I write my will, I will spare a thought for all of you left behind suffering under probate while I'm sipping my mead in Valhalla.
A few pictures of new pots. I'm in a texture stage these days. Last week I was rejected from a juried craft fair in the city. The rejection was a form letter, which stated several criteria which I may have failed to meet. I prefer to think that I was rejected because I was not a local resident rather than my pots are not good enough. The rejection was a relief as I was worried I wouldn't have enough wares stocked up, but that had the detrimental effect of slowing my production even further and now I find I'm back to the experimental stage instead of doing more of the same to get a good selection of similar things. I am a pottery flibbertigibbet.
Also last week I was accepted to a three day Christmas show at the end of October. Unfortunately the end of October is too far away to panic me into action. I fear I might need to start setting weekly goals for production or it is all going to go badly.
Here is a gratuitous cute dog photo.


Lester's Mama said...

The belt I made myself is at your mother's house. You can get it at Easter.

Lester's Mama said...

Made a pysanka for Easter yet?