Saturday, May 21, 2011

Team Ed Charity Ride

Every year there is a charity bike ride to raise money for brain cancer research at the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation in Toronto. Team Ed, is a group of people who ride in memory of Ed Poty who died of brain cancer 9 years ago. I didn't know Ed, but I know his wife, my friend Sharon, and she does a ride here in Nova Scotia because she no longer lives in Toronto.
For the past two years, I have participated in the Team Ed Ride by showing up at the end of the ride and eating a greasy breakfast at the pub. I was good with that, but this year Sharon challenged me to do more. Now, as my normal two wheeled conveyance has an 850 cc motor to make it go, I thought this sounded so retro that I had to try it.
Today I put new tires on my bicycle because the ride is in two weeks and I need to get out and practice beforehand so I don't puke. I needed new tires because I haven't ridden my bike for 8 years and when I tried to inflate them last year they exploded. After I put on the new tires, I took it for a spin down the road to Kingsport to see if I could still remember how. It really is like riding a bike. Unfortunately I got as far as the winery (about 800 metres) and decided that was enough for the day. (I'm thinking now that may die. but it is too late to back out because I have registered and have a fund raising page and everything!)
In Nova Scotia, we are cycling from Wolfville to Kingsport and back on Sunday June 5. We are taking the scenic Wellington Dyke route and it will be about 50kms all told. Go to the website and search for my name under participants to sponsor me. If I live, I promise the blog post will be worth it.

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