Friday, January 22, 2010

Nature Girl Takes a Walk

We got a bit of new fallen snow on Wednesday, so I took the camera when Willow and I went for our afternoon walk on Thursday to document what fresh tracks we could see. We saw mouse tracks.
And more mouse tracks.
And Willow tracks.
Not to be confused with coyote tracks. We saw lots of those. These side by side tracks were the first sign that we had more than one though. There have been a couple media reports about coyote attacks recently, so we carry a large stick on our walks and I never let Willow get too far away. I'm not sure if this is for my protection or hers.
We also saw pheasant tracks.
And a pretty nice view.


Kurt said...

It always amazes me just how many tracks can be found after a fresh fall of snow...... I hadn't thought of taking photos of them..... I'm sure "Willow" has a grand time as I'm sure you do.....

Lori said...

Coyotes. Shiver. I ran into one on the dykes once and I don't know which of us was more startled. Thank God he turned and took off.