New Year is an artificial time when everyone tried to renew themselves with resolutions. I don't make resolutions but I find I make lists of things I should be doing, in hopes I will be better at getting those things done. I have a tendency to let things slide. I also seem to think better at night than in the morning, because it is usually just before bedtime that I remember what I had decided to accomplish that day, only to realize I had only 30 minutes left to do it all before bed. But the next morning, those items go right out of my head and I continue to accomplish nothing. So night time is for lists, and then my memory is there on paper in front of me, spurring me on to get those things done.
January 4 was New Year this year. It was the first Monday after the New Year, and so became the back to school, back to work norm for all. This is the list I made on Monday, only 4 days ago. In only 24 hours this was the long list of TO DO's for me to try and accomplish soon. Some are small, like water proof my new winter boots. But if I didn't write it down, it wouldn't get done, and then my new winter boots would look like hell by February. Most items should be done by the end of the first week or two, certainly they should be done before the end of the month. Two of these things, the sewing machine and the fix jewelry items, have been on the list for years. The problem with lists is that they get longer and can go on for ever so there is a finite amount of time that the momentum can be maintained before the system fall apart and I go back to accomplishing nothing. As you can see from the crossed off items, I have made a start. (yay me) But since taking this picture, I have added two more items to the list. (Woe is me)
It is important to note that this list does not include any of the regular To Do items that I have to accomplish all the time. There is no laundry, groceries, meal prep, dishes, house work, renovation work, school work, work work or pottery on this list. This is the list of stuff that needs doing outside all the normal daily stuff. It is no wonder the system falls apart by the third week of January.
On another topic, it occurs to me that New New Cat has aquired apermanent name, Fleur, which was not on the previous list of possible monikers. For those of you wondering how she and Willow are getting along I submit this:
Willow and Fleur in their favourite spots by the fire. Willow in the prime spot that Atticus vacated, and Fleur on the dog blanket. To prove that I didn't just snap the photo while she was stretching, I submit the others from various angles. I doesn't look comfortable, but it must have been because she stayed that way for a long time.
Holy furball, Batman. And look at those dark little paws. Too cute.
Yeah, we've taken to calling her fleurball.
Hope I can find her twin when I return.....
Happy New Year from Texas
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