Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Summer Solstice

I have come to realize that I eat my way through the year.
First it is fiddle heads. This is a favourite of the other one, being from New Brunswick originally. Fiddle heads are eaten by the pound with every meal for about 10 days until they disappear from the roadside farm markets.
Fiddle heads are followed closely by asparagus and rhubarb. Creamed asparagus on puff pastry. Asparagus quiche, asparagus steamed, asparagus raw and direct from the garden patch when i'm weeding.
Rhubarb custard pie, rhubarb crisp, stewed rhubarb and ice cream.
Last week I gorged myself on foreign cherries while waiting for the cherries on my tree to ripen enough for the birds to cheat me again (for the 6th year in a row)
This weekend I indulged and bought the first strawberries on offer to make shortcake. That will keep me happy for the next 14 days until new veggies for hodgepodge come along, followed by raspberries, blackberries and peaches, tomatoes, peppers and squash.
All these things I have in my own garden, but mostly I buy to supplement what is never enough.
We spent the weekend with friends at Milford House down by Annapolis this weekend. We hiked in the rain and ate. Kayaked in the rain and ate. Read books by the fireplace and ate. Knitted by the fireplace and ate. And one clever spouse was observant that we are all fortunate to live in such a place.
Indeed. Happy Solstice.


Lori said...

Most importantly: what were you knitting? I demand photos.

Yana Out East said...

I wasn't, another woman was. I meant to take my cross stitch but forgot it along with the camera. Cabin light was really too dingy to see well enough for cross stitch as it turns out. I read Jane Austen instead.