Thursday, June 11, 2009

Suffering for my Art

On Tuesday evening Patsy and Edwina crashed the NSCC graduation ceremony at the Middleton Campus. A friend had the misfortune to be Valedictorian for the COGS campus so we went to hear his speech (and freak him out a little).
In fact his girlfriend (not shown here) made the crowned crusaders a trio. Her pale lavender gown complimented our lime green and pastel pink ones perfectly. When we stood together we looked like moon mist ice cream.
We were a hit with every little girl in the room. And truth be told, people were taking our picture while we were taking his as he crossed the stage.
It was a memorable evening, but the junk jewelry have given me a painful rash on my neck and ears.
And before anyone comments, fur is a renewable resource.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely fabulous sweeties!

Was it Rence's graduation?

Lori said...

"Art" as in performance art?